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As 2022 draws to a close, check Gaon Connection’s most read stories this year

News reports on COVID-19 vaccine for animals, measures to reduce the incidence of snakebite-related deaths and angry farmers destroying their vineyards were among the ten most read stories on Gaon Connection this year. Wondering what's more on the list? Read on.

After three years of sustained collective efforts in battling the COVID-19 pandemic, we anticipate the approaching year with the hope of a brave new world.

While a significant chunk of the news reportage around the world continued to be dominated by the economic and socio-cultural consequences of the pandemic in 2022 nevertheless stories of grit and altruism have rekindled belief in light even in the face of absolute darkness.

This year, in its relentless pursuit to chronicle India’s rural hinterland, Gaon Connection reported on a wide range of issues which ranged from agrarian distress, climate change, scientific innovation, livelihoods, culture and health.

Here are the 10 most widely read news stories published on our website this year:

Top Story 1: COVID-19 vaccine for animals

Development of a COVID-19 vaccine for animals by the Hisar-based National Research Centre on Equines was the most read story on Gaon Connection this year. The vaccine named as ‘Ancovax’ is used for preventing the infection of COVID-19 in dogs, cats, lions, leopards, rats, and rabbits.

Read: भारत ने पशुओं के लिए विकसित की पहली कोविड-19 वैक्सीन, जानिए किन जानवरों के लिए जरूरी है एनोकोवैक्स वैक्सीन

Top story 2: All you need to know about Lumpy Skin Disease

In addition to the COVID-19 outbreak, 2022 was a specifically anxious year for farmers and cattle-rearers across the country. An explainer article on the emergence of the lumpy skin disease was Gaon Connection‘s second most read news report this year. Although it doesn’t infect human populations, the economic implications of the lumpy skin disease are disastrous.

Read: लम्पी स्किन डिजीज से जुड़ी सारी बातें जो आपको जाननी चाहिए

Top story 3: Saving snakes to save human lives

Gaon Connection organised a campaign to address the silent crisis of deaths due to snake bites in rural India. The campaign involved text stories, videos and posters on social media in a bid to raise awareness on the issue. A news report on the importance of saving snakes in order to safeguard human beings was the third most read news report on our website this year.

Read: सांपों को बचाएंगे तभी इंसानों की जिंदगी रहेगी सुरक्षित

Top story 4: Myths on snakes and snake bites

Vengeful snakes, snakes that sip milk, cobras with a gemstone in their hoods… There is no dearth of myths associated with snakes in a country that reports about 58,000 snakebite deaths each year.

The fourth most read news story on Gaon Connection was also a part of the campaign on the prevention of snake bites and entailed about the associated myths. We invited experts who busted these myths in interviews conducted by Gaon Connection.

Read: सांपों और सर्पदंश से जुड़ी वो भ्रांतियां जिन्हें आपको जानना चाहिए

Top story 5: Teacher donates life savings to educate poor

The fifth most read news story on Gaon Connection was reported from Madhya Pradesh’s Panna where a retired school teacher donated his entire life savings to help underprivileged students continue their education.

The former teacher gave away his life’s earnings including his retirement benefits. He has formed a trust with Rs 4,000,000 rupees and the interest from the money will be used to ensure an education for children from nearby villages in Panna.

Read: कभी पेन में स्याही भराने को नहीं थे पैसे, सरकारी शिक्षक बन रिटायर हुए तो गरीब बच्चों की पढ़ाई के लिए दान कर दिए 40 लाख रुपए

Top story 6: Grape cultivators destroy their vineyards

Distressed grape farmers in Maharashtra destroying their own vineyards due to a crash in the market price of the grapes was the sixth most read news story this year. Their troubles were exacerbated by the inclement rainfall which damaged their harvest.

Read: मार्केट और मौसम के सताए महाराष्ट्र के कई जिलों में किसान उजाड़ रहे अंगूर के बाग

Top story 7: Calf of Gir cow born by IVF technology

With an aim to increase the population of efficient breeds of cows in India, scientists at Gujarat-based National Dairy Development Board facilitate the birth of a calf of a cow belonging to the Gir cow breed by using In vitro fertilisation [IVF].

Read: देश में पहली बार आईवीएफ तकनीक से हुआ गिर नस्ल की बछिया का जन्म

Top story 8: Andhra cow shed’s efforts to conserve one of the smallest breeds of cow

Krishnam Raju, a cattle shed owner in Andhra Pradesh’s Godavri district is conserving the Punganur breed of cow — which is amongst world’s smallest breeds of cows. His inspiration to conserve the breed stemmed from the plight of indigenous cows while foreign breeds are being promoted for commercial interests.

Read: विलुप्त हो रही छोटी नस्ल की गाय पुंगनुर का संरक्षण कर रही आंध्र प्रदेश की ये गौशाला

Top story 9: Measures to increase green lentils production

An article dedicated to increasing the production of green lentils was the ninth most read write-up this year. The article not only entailed about the apt timing for the cultivation of moong but also informed about the nitrogen-fixing properties of these lentils. The informative piece also provided detailed information on the pest management and safe storage of the green lentils.

Read: ग्रीष्मकालीन मूंग की खेती का सही समय, बढ़िया उत्पादन के लिए बीजोपचार के बाद ही करें बुवाई

Top story 10: Online portal to buy seeds of spices

The tenth most read news article in Gaon Connection was based on an online portal sponsored by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The digital portal seeks to provide ease of access to the seeds of spices which are otherwise difficult to procure for farmers living in regions that are far away and disconnected from the supply chains.

Read: किसान घर बैठे ऑनलाइन खरीद सकते हैं बीजीय मसाला फसलों के बीज

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