WATCH: Gaon Connection Founder Neelesh Misra Introduces ‘The Changemakers Project’

The Changemakers Project which is launched today, on Gandhi and Shastri Jayanti was incepted by Neelesh Misra, Founder of Gaon Connection. In a video message, he talks about the longstanding need to launch such a project. He also underlines the importance of celebrating such changemakers.

Earlier today, on the occasion of the birth anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri, Gaon Connection launched The Changemakers Project. The project has two-fold objective — identify and document stories of changemakers in video, audio and text formats; and build a one-of-its-kind National Registry of Changemakers to connect ‘doers’ and ‘helpers’.

At the launch of the project, Neelesh Misra, the Founder of Gaon Connection featured in a video to talk about the rationale behind this project.

He began his message by highlighting that in his journey as a storyteller, he has always felt a wish to narrate the stories of individuals who bring about a positive impact in the society.

“I am talking about stories of such heroes who are not camera savvy or are not updated with the changing times… good samaritans who don’t post their reels and their achievements on social media,” Neelesh Misra said.

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“This project is the result of our longing to recognise these faceless, selfless individuals who have been positively impacting the lives of people. These changemakers belong to the tribe which doesn’t understand the world of branding and marketing. These are the ‘changemakers’ we wish to document,” he added.

Against the backdrop of a montage of volunteers from the historic Chipko Movement, Neelesh Misra talked about faceless heroes who embrace the trees and keep them from being cut down.

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“There are many people who are leading afforestation and tree protection movements across the length and breadth of this country. They are the environmentalists, they are the ‘changemakers’ we would love to document,” he said while exemplifying the scope of the project.

“… Or it could be somebody who arranges for blood donation drives in times of medical distress. Such people who are always there to do the good work without any selfish motives. These are the kinds of people we wish to celebrate,” he added.

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