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Digital marketing sector dodges prevailing slump

With the increase in the function of digital marketing there is a subsequent rise in the employment opportunities in the field
#digital india

In recent times, employment
opportunities in the field of digital marketing have gone beyond online
shopping and now encompass fields of education and medicine.

There has been a rapid development of
career opportunities in the field of digital marketing. As per the 2018 report
of Internet and Mobile Association of India, digital marketing in India will,
in the near future, be providing employment to 10-20 lakh youths.

As per the report, 2018 saw digital
marketing in India register a growth by 30 per cent. In 2017, the same digital
market had taken a leap of 27 per cent with a net worth of Rs 9,266 crore.

Nitnem Singh Sodhi, a cyber-security
expert, who runs his own digital marketing firm, said: “Digital marketing is
very much like offline marketing. One has to display here the same set of
skills of the filed on social sites instead. The advertisements running upon
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are a part of none other than digital

He added: “Future holds immense
possibilities for digital marketing. This is one field of business least
affected by the slump. Its progress would not be in any way hampered by the

Nitnem Singh Sodhi, a cyber-security expertNitnem Singh Sodhi, a cyber-security expert

“People are not distancing from the
newspapers and do not have enough time to watch TV. Most of the people prefer
spending time over mobiles using internet. This is the reason the advertisement
upon social sites have an increasing base and appeal,” said Sodhi, adding, “If
any product or a group has to reach the maximum number of people then using
digital marketing instead of newspaper or TV to maximize the viewership base.”

As per the estimates of e-commerce
websites, the population of internet users in regional languages will reach 500
million by 2020 in India. Also, the share of advertisements upon digital media
is expected to reach Rs 25,200 crore.

Cisco’s Visual Networking Index (VNI)
reports that Indians prefer shopping over the internet rather than going out
physically to buy their stuff. This is why 90% companies in India are spending
15% of their total revenue upon digital marketing. Similar data suggest that
with the increased dependence of people upon internet employment opportunities
in the field of digital marketing are increasing as well.

Career and
opportunities in digital marketing

Seeing the increased opportunities in
digital marketing, many institutes are offering courses in digital marketing.
One can even pursue MBA in digital marketing from the universities. Besides,
there are numerous online courses available. Digital marketing can also be
learned from several online video courses upon various social media such as You

Nitnem informed: “One does not need
any qualification for digital marketing nor is there a need to do some special
course but still if someone wishes to do that then several institutes run short
term courses in digital marketing. These teach the marketing strategies adopted
by HTML, Tag, Meta Tag, Blog, key word search, site analysis, social
bookmarking, Google ad word and Youtube.”

He said: “For this, it is essential to
be Class XII pass in whichever the stream. However, for an MBA in digital
marketing one needs to be a graduate irrespective of the stream.”

After learning digital marketing one
can work at a very good salary in banking, tourism, hospitality, IT, media,
consultancy, market research, PSU and retail sector.

Anurag Tiwari who runs an e-learning website believes digital marketing to be a boon for the online startupsAnurag Tiwari who runs an e-learning website believes digital marketing to be a boon for the online startups

Moving beyond shopping digital
marketing has now forayed in the field of education. Anurag Tiwari who runs an
e-learning website ‘’
believes digital marketing to be a boon for the online startups. Previously
people had a limited reach for their products. Now due to internet facilities
and digital marketing one can very quickly reach more people with one’s
products. He further informed that in today’s world every company needs digital
partnership. Failing to digitally update oneself will be a terrible setback in

Anurag added that companies in the
coming times would require 7-10 lakh digital marketing professional for the
Indian digital market. In the coming 3-4
years, not only companies but even political outfits would require digital
marketing professionals. Most of the politicians are beginning to hire digital marketing
professionals to improve their image and its marketing. Citing the example of
his own e-learning firm he said that he is in constant requirement of such
professionals to help his study material reach its targeted consumers through
advertising on several social media platforms reaching vast population.

In India, the beginners’ salary for
digital marketing professional averages around Rs 18-25,000, with experience it
steadily increases with time. Besides digital marketing has a lot of scope for
both professionals and freelancers.

Jobs in Digital marketing

All jobs in digital marketing are
based on e-commerce websites and social sites. The future of this sector holds
immense employment opportunities at every level. Digital marketing has many
vital processes without which it is almost inconceivable. Primarily these are:

Web developer and
web designer:
The beautiful
pages that we browse in the world of internet are designed by these
professionals. People wishing to pursue this as a career need to have a sound
knowledge of java script, HTML, CSS, PHP and dot net.

SEO expert: They are responsible for bringing traffic to
their existing pages upon social media. They are also responsible for bettering
their website’s Google search ranking.

Social media
These people
handle their websites upon various social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram and twitter. They closely monitor social media trends and decide
their policies accordingly.

Content maker: A content marker performs the function of
producing brand favouring and trending content. Besides, a content marker is also
responsible for producing original content in coordination with the SEO team
and keyword research team. The person doing this job must have a good language
command and be creative.

Digital marketing
This personnel oversees the entire
digital marketing profile of a company and formulates strategies. A person
needs to have adequate digital marketing experience for this job.

There are many more important job
avenues in the field of digital marketing to take marketing to another level
with an average annual income between Rs 2 lakh and Rs 3 lakh.

CRM manager: This person is responsible for online contact
with the customer. They are responsible for maintaining sustained relations
with the customer once contacted.

Email marketing
They optimize marketing function by
emails. They send various offers regularly to email IDs that have been in
contact with their websites. This is to promote consumer interest in their

Analytic manager: They research into the consumer trends and
formulate policies upon its basis. They work towards formulating and extending
various offers to the customer so that their websites are constantly accessed
by people.

They are a different category of
digital professionals. They take money from other companies to promote and
provide them digital space. Usually big celebrities with tremendous reach
provide space to various other companies on their social IDs.

During the current slump and shortages
of jobs, seeing the potential of digital marketing, the Indian government too
has been working on Digital India and Indian Startup and promoting it. Its
chief aim is to create maximum employment opportunities for the youth in this
sector in the wake of employment crisis.

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