Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
In a bid to increase institutional deliveries and support poor rural women with delivery and post-delivery care, the central government’s scheme — Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) — provides one-time cash assistance to pregnant women across the country.
The scheme aims to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional delivery. The scheme is being implemented in all states and UTs with special focus on low performing states under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).
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Cash assistance
The scheme focuses on the BPL (below poverty line) pregnant women in states having low institutional delivery rates — Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Odisha, Jammu and Kashmir. The remaining states are high performing states.
In low performing states, pregnant women are entitled to one-time cash assistance of Rs 1,400 in rural areas while Rs 1,000 in urban areas.
In high performing states, pregnant women are entitled to Rs 700 cash assistance in rural areas while Rs 600 in urban areas.

Meanwhile, BPL pregnant women (in all the states), aged 19 years and above, preferring to deliver at home are entitled to cash assistance of Rs 500 per delivery. Such cash assistance would be available only upto two live births and the disbursement would be done at the time of delivery or around seven days before the delivery by ANM [Auxiliary Nurse Midwife] or ASHA or any other link worker, according to the JSY guidelines.
Who is eligible?
In low performing states, all pregnant women delivering in the government health centres such as sub-centres, primary and community health centres, general wards of district and state hospitals or accredited private institutions, are eligible under the JSY.
While in high performing states, all BPL pregnant women, aged 19 years and above are eligible for the scheme benefits.
To avail Janani Suraksha Yojana benefits, each pregnant women is registered and a micro-birth plan is prepared, a place of delivery is pre-determined at the time of registration and the expectant mother is informed. The registration should be done at least 20-24 weeks (5-6 months) before the expected date of delivery.
The cash benefit to the mother and ASHA is given directly in their bank accounts within 7-10 days of delivery.
Following documents are needed:
- Aadhar card
- Ration card
- BPL certificate
- Bank account number
- Registered mobile number
- Passport size photograph
- Discharge papers post delivery from the hospital.

In low performing states, pregnant women are entitled to one-time cash assistance of Rs 1,400 in rural areas while Rs 1,000 in urban areas. Photo: Gaon Connection
Step wise guide
Each beneficiary registered under this Yojana should have a JSY card along with a Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Card, issued by rural healthcare workers.
For registration, follow these steps:
- Open on your computer or mobile phone.
- Click on ‘New Registration’
- Enter your details including name, address, Pin Code, Email ID, husband’s name. Field marked with * are mandatory, rest are optional.
- Enter your block name in ‘Administrative Unit’
- Enter your village name. Thereafter, the name of the ANM from the nearest health centre and the last few digits of their mobile number will appear.
- Enter the last date of your menstruation.
- Enter the mobile phone number linked to your Aadhaar and bank account.
- Enter OTP, captcha code.
- Check all details once and click on the ‘Save’ icon.
- A registration number will be issued. Note it down or take a screenshot of it.
You can also check your ‘Registration Status’ in the same window as for ‘New Registration’. Enter the name of your state, mobile number, OTP, captcha code, and search. A registration ID will be generated in a few days.
How to check payment
- Check your payment status at
- Create an account and use the details to login.
- Search ‘PFMS’ in the search box.
- Click on ‘Know your Payment’
- Enter bank account number, name of the bank, linked mobile number and submit.
- Click on ‘National Rural Health Mission’ and you’ll get the status of your payment.
Happy Motherhood!