Incredibles 2: A family that saves the world together, stays together

The Incredibles animated film franchise makes a comeback after 14 years and smashes the box-office opening record to bits.

Update: 2018-06-22 13:24 GMT

The Incredibles animated film franchise makes a comeback after 14 years and smashes the box-office opening record to bits.

Talkietive Reviews brings you the:

Five Good Things About Incredibles 2

1. Direction: Director Brad Bird who directed the first installment of The Incredibles in 2004 is yet again directing the film's second installment. While The Incredibles released in 2004, Incredibles 2 releases after a gap of 14 years, credit for which must go to the director for not hurriedly releasing its sequel for the sake of it. Bird gave it much thought and deliberated about what would make an interesting sequel and turned out an immensely watchable animation Superhero film that keeps you on the edge of the seat. This despite the fact there are no big league Hollywood Superstars in the film.

2. Story: Also written by Brad Bird, the story of Incredibles 2 is simple and yet intimate—about the woman of the house Helen Parr or Elastigirl transforming into the breadwinner while the man of the house has to settle for a supporting role, looking after his kids and home, all for a good cause. For bringing back the Superhero glory.

3. Writing: The writing is clever and appealing to a family audience. Most scenes in film showcase all members of the Parr family even though it is Elastigirl who is saving the world. Scenes involving him and his three children, Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack are endearing to say the least. Incredibles 2's villain, the Screenslaver is also worth a mention as not only does the name remind one of how enslaved one is to their screens but also questions the role of superheroes who some believe are weakening people and making them increasingly dependent on them. The film which shows Winston Deavor trying to restore the lost glory of superheroes and legalizing them has also been criticized in the western media for introducing "superhero essentialism." However, the film does make an important point –that superheroes even if they are not caped crusaders are required to save humanity from itself-think Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King.

4. Competent Music & Pop Culture: references: Incredibles 2's music by Michael Giachinno lends able support to the film's narrative with the background score similar to spy thrillers like the James Bond series. It's peppy and at the same time succeeds in adding a note of drama to the film. The film also makes pertinent references to American pop culture eg in a scene when Jack-Jack, Violet and Dash are watching television and the visual shown is of the cartoon Jonny Quest, which was produced by Hanna and Barbera who also produced other successful iconic cartoons like Richie Rich, Scooby Dooby Doo and Tom Jerry!

5. Production Design: Despite being an animated film, its production design is noteworthy adding the visual appeal so essential to an animation film like, Incredibles 2. Scenes of Elastigirl preventing a train crash from or the ship sequence when the three little Incredibles go to rescue their parents makes for a delightful watch, courtesy some ingenious production design. Whether it's the streets, the Parr mansion or Mr. Winston Deavor's house, each set has been uniquely designed and creates enough variation to prevent the audience from getting bored. Watch the video       

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